Monday, November 12, 2007

learning to fly

a couple of years ago i decided that i would like to learn how to draw. previously i had thought that i wasn't talented in this area (my beautiful twin sis really is) and so i thought i would leave the drawing to people who knew what they were doing. (like n.) all my life i have loved writing in my many journals and notebooks and filling their pages with doodles and various stickers, ticket stubs, and photos that i've come across in my life. and after a while i thought, "i want to draw in my journal, too." so i bought Drawing for Dummies and commenced teaching myself to draw. like most of the projects i start, this one went the way of, "i'm not good enough for this, i don't have a natural talent, so many other people are better than me, i'm not improving quickly enough..." so i stopped.
earlier this year traveltwin and i re-entered blog land and i started discovering crafting and art blogs. these people inspired me in a way i hadn't really been inspired before. i started drawing again even though i didn't feel good at it and a lot of the doubts kept creeping back in. but i had a different perspective now. i thought. "i stink at this. i know i stink. oh well, i like doing it and it's fun!" through a blog called i learned about a book called The Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission the be the Artist You Truly Are by danny gregory. gregory is an artist/illustrator himself, and the book talks about pushing away all those doubts and just drawing everything. mostly it taught me to look at the objects, people, colors, and shapes that surround me in a different way. and i wasn't just drawing anymore, i was examining things. i was noticing beauty in places i'd never seen it before. and i started to like some of my drawings, even though i still think i'm not any good.
so, after showing traveltwin some pictures of my drawing, and her encouragement to post about it, here they are. some of the drawings and sketches i'm not completely ashamed of.
i'm not posting about this stuff because i think i'm getting good, or anything like that. one part of it is to encourage y'all to not stop yourselves from doing something you want to just because you think you're not good enough at it.
and one reason is to remind myself to keep going. see, i haven't been drawing lately. not for a couple of months. and now i'm starting to get discouraged about the whole thing again. so i pulled out The Creative License and i showed n. my drawings and i'm just going to get back to it. we'll see how it goes. for now, here are some of my drawings from a few months ago.
you can laugh, or hate them, or tell yourself you could do so much better (because let's face it, you can!) but that's ok! i'm just putting them out there to put them out there.


Jamie said...

Hi Jomama,

I found your comment on Kris Carr's blog. I can relate to what you mentioned and was "happy" to find someone with a situation so similar to mine. I would love to know more about you, your jouney and how you are doing. I can completely relate to wanting to try to get better and healthier but sometimes just not having the motivation or energy to even try.

And by the way - I think your drawings are great!

Anonymous said...

I love to read this blog!! You both are very talented writers. Jo, I admire you for working on your talents. Your drawings are amazing!! You inspire me to work on things that I would like to learn.

jo said...

thank you both very much! thanks for checking in with the blog, i know we've haven't been very regular with it lately.

Unknown said...

the thing is, creativity (and let's face it life) CANNOT be about competition. Once you start comparing, that's a tool simply used to get you down. You have to find joy in what you do. So many things I try, if I really looked hard, I know I am not that good, but I don't care, I haven't cared since I was 22 and learned a big lesson about comparing myself to others and the powerful damage it can do.

Since I have freed myself from that, since I have realized that there is enough success for everyone that desires it. That there is enough room in the world for everyone to be creators in their own way, life is so much better.

I am so proud of you for posting these things. It's hard to put things out to be judged by others, and although I love them, I know you didn't post this so that people would compliment you. I know you posted them because you get satisfaction and pleasure out of creating your own piece of beauty,,,and that's exactly what you did!

Well done you!

jo said...

thanks, d'arcy!
you are so right about there being enough success for everyone and the damage that comparing yourself to others can do. thanks for your awesome comment.

traveltwin said...

i'm glad you posted these, jo. i think you're amazing.