Tuesday, March 30, 2010


i'm trying to remember if i said last september that autumn is my favorite season. did i say that? maybe i meant spring. i love spring. i love that i get to celebrate easter in the northern hemisphere this year, where things are actually coming back to life. it is full of a whole different kind of meaning. i love it. love the pastels everywhere, love the budding trees and the sprouting tulips and other such bulbly flowers. love it. so to celebrate spring, and also because i love making cupcakes lately, we made these.

we made them from scratch with a yellow cake recipe and tweaked it a bit. and we did cream cheese frosting. some of them overflowed a bit when baking, but they taste pretty darn good. another great part of spring--wilton easter sprinkles.
what easter crafts are you doing?


jo said...

hey! these cupcakes look fabulous, and, i must say, GREAT PICTURE! i love what you wrote about spring, too.
hopefully soon i'll be doing some easter/spring crafts with you.

Stella said...

so pretty and fun. i love easter colors and candy. too bad it is easter morning and i woke up to freezing weather and another foot of snow. grrr.

happy easter.