Sunday, June 22, 2008

books written for girls

this book by julie orringer? it's a collection of short stories mostly told from the point of view of young women or girls. a lot of them have to do with the awkwardness of being a teenager, trying to fit in, accepting your body while it's changing, etc. these are quite typical themes for fiction about (or for) young women, but i felt that her writing brought a real freshness to the subject that i really appreciated. i liked that it was simple and not overly dramatic. it really brought to mind my younger self, especially the story "note to sixth-grade self." my favorite was probably "the isabel fish." i have to admit that when i read stories as varied as this by one writer, i find myself wondering about the imagination of the author. the only things i can ever think of to write are things that have actually happened to me.
anyway, i liked it, and hope you do too, if you choose to read it!

*post title came from song title "books written for girls" by camera obscura from their album "underachievers please try harder"


Unknown said...

excellent review, will you put it on goodreads so I can remember to mark it as to read?

now that I dropped out of grad school (actually, I never even started) I have plenty of time this summer!

jo said...

yea, i need to put up a review of it on goodreads. i think you in particular would really like this book.

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

I like short stories because I can fit them in between chores :).

Also, it's great to see the narrative arc condensed; takes a great writer to be able to tell a whole story in a short amount of words.

Adolescence is such an awkward time. Sometimes I think I'm still there.