Monday, October 27, 2008

kinda exciting

remember how i've been raving about poladroid lately? (i've been told the link isn't working so here is the url:
anyway, i put up some of my poladroid creations on my flickr stream, and this one was put on the poladroid website as the poladroid of the day! (it was put up yesterday but is still up today.)
i usually don't take screen shots, but i just had to of this one!


sarahels said...

way to go jo! i'm so proud of you!!

Frances said...

That is so neato!!!

Anonymous said...

Jo, that's awesome! You were famous, at least for a day or two. I missed it at would like to have seen the comments....

Cindy said...

Yay!! great job!!! Fun to know someone who is famous! :)

jo said...

you guys are so nice. actually i wasn't sure i should write about it, cause i didn't want it to be like i was bragging, it really is just something silly. but then i thought it was kind of fun...

Lisa said...

Awesome...congrats! That is totally fun!

Lynne said...

yes, I'm totally into that Polodroid thing too - I'm going to start posting Poladroid photos all over the place...