Monday, December 01, 2008

backtracking: weekend before thanksgiving

one thing i'm very grateful for: that our christmas lights are already taken care of and that hubby has a great work ethic and is completely comfortable on rooftops (just like santa!)

the kids had a lot of fun, too:

this one is supposed to be blurry, i like the way it makes the lights look:


Anonymous said...

GREAT! Now can he come help Jake do our house?!

jo said...

sure, i'll volunteer him for that! but not this weekend (it's his birthday!)

Unknown said...

yeah, i am NOT so good on rooftops, so my lights just stay on my tree...but it's cozy.

happy lights and happy season!

Unknown said...

how was his birthday? tell him happy birthday from me (does he even know who I am? we met so briefly!!)