inside cargo, a store full of all things asian: paper lanterns, silk robes, fun toys, amazing furniture, and all kinds of wonderments!
sitting at our table in old town pizza, a fun part of old portland that's supposedly haunted!
our order number at old town pizza.
a street lantern in chinatown. beautiful!
i'll admit it: i'm a wanna-be portlander. even before we visited i was thinking it was pretty much the hub of cool. and when i found out the shins and the decemberists were based there, and all kinds of artists i admire are from there (or just moved there like ashley g and the black apple's emily,) this just confirmed my original theory.
so usually when i get my hopes all up i am severely disappointed. but NOT THIS TIME! they may have even been exceeded! portland is fun and hip without being too intimidating or inaccessible. i liked seeing so many families (even though it made me miss my kiddies.) i liked seeing all different kinds of people and that everyone we talked to was so friendly. i loved the weather, it was so mild there. i loved the shopping (more about our purchases later.)
in short, by the end of our three days, i was talking about a possible move in our future, and hubby, much to my surprise, was agreeing!
tomorrow i'll post about the classical chinese gardens and the cute shops we visited! (with some great pics, too!)
sweet! I LOVE your order number, and the photo of that mirror, awesome shot.
you so have an artistic eye, I love seeing what you capture.
you're so sweet, d'arcy. i love getting compliments from you, the accomplished photographer!
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